Pant is BLANC&NOIR signature with a wide range of styles. We believe every woman will look fantastic in our pants.
Essential for a polished ensemble - weekday or weekend, BLANC&NOIR redefines the staple pant with modern silhouettes. Find your next pair of fashion culottes, tailored trousers, slimming high-waisted, palazzo to corduroy pants. Statement, stylish or more subtle, all occasions are catered for - work, casual to formal.
BLANC&NOIR is a fashion brand catered towards every woman in her search for daily style inspiration. We focus on original and directional designs with a strong focus on quality and details. We have a range of designs that vary from work-wear and street-wear, to working-from-home styles. BLANC&NOIR offers an un-paralleled collection of materials including luxury linen, taffeta and silk, aimed for the Modern Woman.